
How Cheap Synthetics Are Harmful To Your Health

When we buy cleaning products for our homes, we really only expect them to do one thing: clean. The truth behind the matter is that many of the general cleaning products you find in most households are toxic, if not potentially fatal. While the list of common ingredients that can cause you harm is frightfully long, some cause only temporary or short term damage, such as skin irritations or breathing problems, while others have been linked to long term and fatal health complications, such as chronic lung problems and cancer. The biggest problem with these ingredients is that they are mostly synthetic and therefore not inherently safe to humans.

Take for example your oven cleaner, drain cleaner or toilette bowl cleaner. These products will all more than likely contain chlorine bleach or ammonia, both of which produce toxic fumes on their own, but become even more dangerous when combined. The damage done to lungs if inhaled can be irreversible, but short term damage can also lead to more acute disorders. Even if you manage to avoid the toxic fumes, there is always the potential threat of spilling these products onto your skin, which can cause burns and skin irritation.

Even products that are seemingly harmless, such as clothing detergent or fabric softener, can have long lasting effects on you and your family. This is even truer if you or a member of your family already suffers some kind of respiratory disorder such as asthma or allergy issues. The most common ingredient that aggravates these disorders, or forms completely new ones, is the scent that companies add to their products. This is on top of the fact that the only reason we now need to use fabric softener is because the laundry detergents cause our clothes to become so uncomfortable. So, in effect by using one toxic product we are now forced to use another to counteract one of its side effects.

General household bleach is also a big problem when it comes to long term health effects. Men exposed to bleach over extended periods for example, have been becoming less and less fertile. There is also some evidence that bleaches, along with other cleaning products, are contributing to increased numbers of male birth defects. Women are not safe from harm either; recent studies have shown that certain ingredients can cause an increase in breast cancer cells when it was tested in a laboratory.

While all of this information is pretty scary for anyone with a conscience, there are steps that can be taken to ensure that you are causing as little an impact on the health of your family, yourself, and even the environment around you. While most cleaners do not list their ingredients directly, those that do are easy to choose between. Look for those that are made of natural plant based ingredients rather than the petroleum based ingredients that cause us so much harm. If you would like to go all the way to the natural side, there are recipes for homemade cleaners out there.

The Best Protein Rich Foods for Type O's

Like all the other blood types, the O group also has unique dietary requirements; especially when it comes to protein. According to research, it has been proved that this blood group needs a high protein diet because it is consider a universal donor. It is essential to provide your body with the required nutrients it needs; in order to maintain healthy cells and tissues; and maintain overall health and vitality. The most prominent characteristic of Type O is that they do very well on a high protein diet. It is said about them that they thrive on intense physical exercise as well as animal proteins. Protein is essential in building muscles, restoring and replacing tissues, and maintaining a healthy immune and hormonal system. For people who are physically active, more protein is needed in their diets.

D'Adamo believes that people with type O blood should eat the kind of diet that are synonymous with the earliest humans; i.e. a diet that is rich in fat and animal protein. The more stressful your job or demanding your exercise program, the higher the grade of protein you should consume. The best sources of proteins include beef, lamb, mutton, veal and venison. Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meats specially bacon, ham, goose, pork. Cold-water fish are excellent for Type Os e.g. cod, herring, and mackerel.

Over the years, nuts and seeds have been among the best sources of protein for people of all types. Examples of these nuts are almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, and walnuts. These can be consumed by type O's in any form; whether they are chopped, eaten raw, or roasted. Other rich sources of protein are legumes; which are edible dried beans (seedpods) and include chickpeas, flagelot beans, kidney beans, split beans, haricot beans, and lentils. Eating protein rich cooked grains and cereals can also promote muscle building; which perfectly falls in the type O range. Algae, which are a type of seaweed, spirulina is among the best protein-rich foods there are; and is a very healthy option for type O individuals to consume.

With today's technology, fruits can be eaten canned, frozen, or dried. Regardless of how these foods are prepared, fruits are still nutritious and included in the list of protein-rich foods. Seitan is a meat substitute. It is prepared from whole-wheat flour mixed with a sufficient amount of water, kneaded and rinsed in water, expelling starch and bran. The protein is simmered in a soya sauce to become seitan. Seitan broth can be added as a flavoring on any food; and is also a wonderful alternative for type O's. All the above mentioned food nutrients are the best protein rich foods for people of the type O blood group.

Common Causes And Treatments For Sore Throat Pain In Children

Childhood illnesses can take its toll on the child and the parents as well. Knowing how to effectively treat your child when they get sick falls to the pediatrician primarily, but it can help you deal with the situation better if you understand what is causing your child's illness and how it can be diagnosed and treated. A sore throat can be caused by a variety of triggers and its treatment will depend on discovering its root cause as well as how quickly it is diagnosed.

Common Causes for Sore Throat Pain

If your child develops a dry throat or complains of throat pain, it is most likely being caused by one of three distinct possibilities: a virus, bacteria, or by an allergic reaction. Allergies can account for a lot of illnesses in children and throat pain is usually an indicator that something in the environment, like dust, is causing the tissues inside the throat to swell. This is one of the many reasons that children should see their doctors as soon as they present any unusual symptoms, so that proper diagnosis and treatment can be given as soon as possible.

Throat pain is often a sign that your child has a viral infection, like that of the common cold or flu symptoms. Some viruses affect the adenoids, and could lead to illnesses like tonsillitis, so if your child presents any symptoms of throat pain, fever, runny or congested nose or tenderness inside their mouth, it is wise to take them to see their pediatrician as soon as possible for diagnosis.

A bacterial infection, on the other hand, is often more serious and can be quite debilitating to your child's overall health. The most common bacterial infection involving the streptococcus bacterium can have symptoms involving a sore throat and fever of at least 100 or higher, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches and a swelling of the glands of the neck. If your child has any of these symptoms, it is vitally important they receive treatment as soon as possible. Left untreated, more serious conditions such as rheumatic fever can develop, which can leave them struggling with a much longer recovery period.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Two tests can be done to determine what the root cause of the child's throat pain. The first, known as the rapid test, is primarily used to check for the presence of viruses and the results come back fairly quickly. The doctor swabs the back and sides of the throat and then runs the test. Viruses can be normally treated with rest, lots of fluids and non-aspirin based pain relievers, like gargling solutions. Once the fever breaks and stays gone for at last 24 hours, the child can usually return to their normal routine.

If the rapid test comes back negative, most doctors will still swab again so that they can run a throat culture, to eliminate the possibility of a bacterial infection like strep throat. A throat culture usually takes anywhere from 24 to 48 hours to fully develop and the bacterium can easily be identified from their growth in a Petri dish. If a bacterial infection is identified, then the child will be treated with antibiotics, fluids, non-aspirin based pain relievers and bed rest. Once the child has been successfully treated with antibiotics for at least 24 hours, they will no longer be considered contagious and may return to normal activities, like school.

Antibiotics are given to destroy the bacteria but will do nothing for the sore throat pain, which is what the milder pain relievers are for. Aspirin should never be given to any child under the age of 18, because of the documented risk of a more serious condition, like Reyes Syndrome, developing. Bed rest, fluids and frequent gargling will aid the other symptoms and help prevent dehydration from developing.

4 Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of Infection Control

When at home you will not take simple infections like cold and cough too seriously and simply use common medications to take care of it. But the same infections like these and many other mild ones like a urine infection can lead to more serious issues due to the presence of an earlier illness or the ever present danger of infection in a healthcare environment.

While infection control will help to contain any potentially dangerous outcomes from spreading of diseases, the following 4 points can be useful for increasing the effectiveness of such control.

· Monitor Source: Knowing the source of any infection is of critical importance. You must keep an eye on all the new admissions to the healthcare facility while also monitoring the existing patients to know if the infection was present prior to admission and has in fact come from the community or whether it is originating and spreading from within the facility itself.

· Infection Listing: Considering the number of patients and illnesses to be treated, it is a good idea to track each infection from the beginning to the finish. You must keep a record of all the patients' along with factors such as organism causing the infection, treatment administered, improvement and also any sensitivity report. Putting down the relevant dates of admission and contracting infection is very important. You can then club the patients on various aspects and analyze the gathered data.

· Identifying Patterns: The data on hand may throw up certain patterns that will help you in identifying the infection source. For example, a number of patients in the same unit with an infection may show certain similar signs and sensitivities that may indicate the possibility of a single source of infection. While an infection spread through the facility may be due to random sources or poor hygiene levels. Either way such information can help you to find out if the infection is spreading due to the staff, patients, and outsiders or because of certain procedures of the healthcare facility.

· Educate: The information of the data can be used to educate the staff and even inform the patients on how to contain the infection by taking certain basic hygienic measures or some preventive actions. The staff must be asked to stay vigilant and look out for any signs and symptoms of similar infection in differ units or among patients. Since healthcare staff works at the ground level and regularly interacts with the patients, the infections may be noticed early on enabling steps to be taken quickly to contain the situation.

Infection control must have a high priority in all the healthcare facilities because any ineffective management will lead to increased periods of illness and not to mention several cost factors. On the other hand a proper handling will not only ensure quicker treatment but will also protect the patients and staff from contracting infections. Alternatively, if you do notice a particular pattern to certain infections you can share the data with the local or state health departments which can also prove to be useful for other healthcare facilities in your area.

The Power of Nature for Healthy Living Is in Adult Stemcell Nutrition

Knowing where to find the power of nature for healthy living. Nutrition plays a critical role in our health and wellbeing, especially if you want to build a strong and athletic body. We all need proper cellular nourishment to develop and support a strong immune system, building muscle and body building transformation.

We are living in a time and culture in which most do not see the full connection between what we are placing in our mouths as food, and how our bodies are affected. We need to get the nutrition facts.

Athletes, weekend warriors and recreational activities all want our bodies to do well and support our cell regeneration as a result of using our bodies. Even just maintaining daily bodily functions, the cells of all our organs must either be replaced, renewed or repaired.

Issues that Stand in the Way of Muscle and Fitness and Ultimate Optimal Health:

#1 Empty Harvest:

Our soil and our food chain are missing the plant-based micronutrients needed for the basic functioning of life.

#2 Poor Digestion:

Our intestinal tract and blood stream are capable of reaching a state where we are poisoning ourselves. Meals for bodybuilders and supplements for bodybuilders can add much to the budget, but if our gut is not extracting the goodness we will see poor results.

#3 Low Assimilation of Nutrients:

We need efficient functioning of our digestive systems to escort unwanted invaders out of the body.

Empty Harvest + Poor Digestion + Low Assimilation of Nutrients = Weakened Cells, Poor Muscle Growth, Low Performance, Fatigue and an At Risk Immune System.

The Good News- We Can Increase Adult Stem Cells in our Blood Circulation

We are a self-regenerating organism. According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, the author of Quantum Healing, we replace 98% of all our cells inside of ONE YEAR.

•Every six months: new bones

•Every ten days: a new stomach lining

•Every three months: new blood cells

"98% if the 100 trillion cells that made up our body last year are no longer there."

Dr. Deepak Chopra, MD

In one year, we can rebuild our blood, our cells, our organs, and our Immunity. Change the quality of nutrients, and we can literally recreate ourselves- from the inside out.

Simple Ways to Be Healthy

More and more research indicates that the key to longevity and well being is what scientists are calling "lifestyle medicine". This implies that making some pretty basic and simple changes in diet, stress management, exercise, and getting our fitness on top of its game. To see immediate results, it takes a lot of work, dedication, and persistence, the way lifestyle medicines should be. Read on to find out our simple ways to be healthy and other tips to get you living a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most important first steps is to always remain positive and focus on the things you are able to change and affect. Your overall mood and perception of self is a great indicator of your commitment and dedication to this change in your life. Your body reacts better when you're in a positive mood, so always think positively.

Secondly, make a mental commitment to eat a 5 meal deal a day, not 3. The key here is to break up your meals into smaller portions. Your diet is also a major component in this healthy fitness formula - make sure your diet consists of a variety of foods like vegetables, proteins, vitamins, leafy greens, and non-processed foods.

Third, try to compliment a healthy diet by getting a good amount of daily exercise a day. This will keep you active and your mental health astute and sharp as well. Also, exercising daily can even reduce physical marks of aging - this includes improving your eyesight, building on lean muscle, normalizing blood pressure, improving bone density, and lowering your cholesterol while boosting your metabolism. You'd be surprised how great your health could be if you just commit to 10-15 minutes a day of physical activity. Participating in a sport, going for a walk, or even brisk jog are some simple ways you can stay active and on your feet.

Fourth, you'd be surprised how much a good night's rest contributes to your health. If you didn't get good sleep, your whole day is off to a bad start. Try other relaxation techniques to help control your stress levels. If you have trouble sleeping, there are healthy ways to help you fall asleep without taking sleeping aids or sleeping pills. For one, make sure your room is dark, and your clock turned away from you. If you are too stressed out, write your thoughts down on paper and leave it be.

Lastly, make sure you are insured so you can take care of all your health, nutrition and medical needs. The cost of medicine is increasing, while inflation is taking more and more out of our paychecks. Therefore, a health insurance plan is a great way to secure a better healthy lifestyle without the constant worry of paying medical bills. Life insurance should be taken seriously and contributes a great deal to your health and well being. Of course, if you're unable to afford to pay for health insurance monthly, you can always compare cheap health insurance quotes to find the best deal. Don't underestimate the power of getting a policy to help you cover for all your medical expenses.

How Do I Know If I Have Varicose Veins?

Understanding Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged, gnarled, swollen veins that most commonly occur in the legs, ankles and feet. This happens as a result of a condition called venous insufficiency or venous reflux, meaning blood pools in the veins of the lower extremities. For blood to be returned to the heart, the veins must work against gravity. Muscle contractions of the lower extremities act as a pump. These work in tandem with the elastic-like interior of the veins to return blood to the heart for recirculation. When blood collects in the veins, swelling and sometimes pain can result. More than 25 million Americans suffer from venous reflux, most of them women.

Age and Gender

As one ages, veins often lose their elasticity and stretch out. The valves intended to prevent back flow are performing less efficiently. This normal wear and tear causes the valves to weaken, causing pooling of the blood that hasn't been returned to the circulatory system. Varicose veins appear blue or purple because they contain deoxygenated blood waiting for recirculation through the lungs.

Pregnancy is also a leading cause of varicose veins, especially in women who have had more than one child. During pregnancy, a woman's blood volume increases to support the needs of the developing fetus. Varicose veins can worsen in the third trimester when the uterus is putting heavy pressure on the leg veins. Hormonal changes occurring throughout pregnancy are also believed to play a role by causing the venous walls to become more pliable and less elastic. Fortunately, pregnancy-induced varicose veins usually correct themselves without medical treatment within months of giving birth. Obesity, prolonged standing or sitting, and family history also increase the likelihood of developing varicose veins.

Signs and Symptoms

Visual signs of varicose veins include blue or purple veins that appear bunched, lumpy or cord-like. They can occur anywhere between the groin and the ankle, but are most commonly seen on the inner thigh or the back side of the calf or knee. Some people report no painful symptoms due to varicose veins, but for others it can be an uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating condition. Physical manifestations include a burning or aching sensation in the legs, muscle cramping and a feeling of "heaviness," pain after sitting or standing for long periods of time, and swelling or itching surrounding an affected vein.

What You Can Do

Most health care providers believe a conservative non-invasion plan of care is best to treat varicose veins. There are many self-help remedies to combat discomfort and prevent the condition from worsening. Maintaining a healthy weight is highly recommended, as it lessens the pressure exerted on the legs. Elevating the extremities and avoiding prolonged episodes of sitting and standing are advisable. Wearing compression stockings can ease the physical discomfort. If the condition continues to worsen, the client and their physician may consider one of the minimally invasive surgical options available. Thanks to catheter technology, it is now possible for your physician to intervene surgically right in the office using a local anesthetic. Endovenous laser delivers high heat to the affected area that seals the vein as the device is removed. Clients are reporting little to no post-operative discomfort, and this technique has phased out the old method of vein stripping, which entailed a much longer and more uncomfortable recovery period.

Get a Leg Up

Varicose veins tend to worsen over time. Working together with your healthcare team you can devise a plan of action to slow the process, and to assure the highest quality of life possible.

Author is working with VIRA, VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES (VIRA) procedure performed by a group of interventional radiologists organized to treat women with symptomatic Uterine Fibroid Embolization.

Your Poor Diet Is Hurting Your Grades

You have a new laptop, a small fortune invested in books, and a tutor to get you through your statistics class. But you've neglected the most powerful tool you have for a successful academic career: your brain. It may not be the first thing you think of when you hear "school supplies," yet a well-nourished brain is essential for outstanding academic performance. This is because even though your brain makes up only two percent of your body weight, it absorbs a whopping 20 percent of your caloric intake. Your brain's voracious appetite means that your unhealthy eating habits don't just undermine immune system support. Poor nutrition could lead to ailing grades.

You don't eat breakfast. Mom's known it for years and researchers are finally getting a clue - breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. The New York Times says researchers examined 47 studies and found eating breakfast contributes to better mental functioning in students. The researchers aren't sure why breakfast improves grades, but speculate breakfast causes changes in the concentration of neurotransmitters, chemicals that act as messengers in the brain. Experts recommend a breakfast containing protein, natural sugars, fiber and a little fat to maintain blood glucose levels and sustain energy.

You eat lots of salt and saturated fat. Fast food fits a college student's budget, and of course, it's fast. But researchers at the University of Alberta examined the diets of 5,000 school children and found those who ate diets high in salt and saturated fat performed poorly on tests compared to those whose diets consisted of fruits, vegetables, protein and fiber. Live Science reports that rats given excessive amounts of saturated fat suffered damage to the hippocampus, an area of the brain important for the formation of memories.

You eat too many calories. According to an article in Live Science, an overload of calories can reduce the flexibility of synapses in the brain. Synapses act like a parking garage for neurotransmitters. Rigid synapses make it difficult for neurotransmitters to travel across neurons. Excessive calories also increase oxidative damage in the brain, which experts think may contribute to Alzheimer's.

The fish you eat is swimming in fat. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which support synaptic plasticity. Omega-3s make fish a great brain food - except when it's battered and deep-fried in vegetable oil. Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago analyzed the fish-eating habits of over 80,000 women. They concluded those who ate fried fish forfeited any health benefits from Omega-3s and actually increased their risk of heart failure.

You eat three or fewer meals a day. Live Science reports that the brain runs on a constant supply of glucose. When your glucose levels fall, your ability to think suffers. Live Science goes on to say that your brain works best with 25 grams of glucose circulating in the blood stream. To prevent too much or too little glucose in your blood stream, eat frequent, small meals throughout the day.

Keeping your brain healthy by eating nutritious food may do more than boost your grades. Psych Central says that omega-3 depletion or being overweight may increase your risk of depression. From your mood to your G.P.A., studies indicate that good nutrition does more than simply boost immune system. In addition to providing immune system support, eating well can improve your grades and your well-being.

Antioxidants Are The Cure To Free Radical Damage

Free radicals can occur naturally within the body during normal processes such as metabolism. The body is made to co-exist with a certain amount of free radicals. However, when the amount of free radicals created becomes excessive due to the sun's UV rays, pollution and other toxins, the damage to our bodies can be quite serious.

Free radicals are formed when a molecule loses one of its electrons. Since that molecule is now unstable it tries to rip away an electron from surrounding molecules to stabilize itself. This sets off a chain reaction among surrounding molecules. Though free radicals exist for only a short time they are able to damage the tissues, DNA and cell membranes of surrounding molecules. Cells that are damaged by free radicals quickly multiply, contributing to skin lesions, cancer, accelerated aging and more than 50 serious diseases.

For the last several years the public has been turning more and more to the beauty industry to stop free radical damage (aging) in its tracks, literally. A plethora of nerve paralyzers are on the market today. Whether it's a Botulism-related compound or other type of face paralyzer, the process is the same. A neuro- toxin is placed within the skin to smooth wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles below the surface of the skin.

However, the use of face paralyzers are counterintuitive because when muscles are paralyzed they become very weak, leading to increased loss of firmness, lines and wrinkles in the long run. Think of a person whose leg is in a cast for a few months. The cast prevents movement of the leg and so when the cast is removed that leg is much smaller and weaker than the other leg because with no use the leg muscles have become weaker.

To truly repair the skin antioxidants should be the first line of defense against free radicals because antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals for healthier skin cells, slowing the effects of aging.

Antioxidants can be found most easily in fresh fruits and vegetables, so it is very important to incorporate them into your daily diet. Make every effort to eat organic fruits and vegetables as organic produce tends to be about 30% higher in antioxidants than conventional produce, according to a report by the Organic Center's Second State of Science Review.

Antioxidants can also be absorbed by the body when placed on the skin, in fact the body absorbs up to 60% of what's placed on the skin. For this reason it is very important to use skin care products which contain abundant antioxidants and natural, plant- based ingredients.

HGH Supplements As Effective Anti Aging Treatment - Feel Younger

Aging is a natural process that occurs in human beings and animals. When an individual ages, many physical and internal features are changed and that young feeling is lost, people become more prone to illnesses. However, in this modern world with extensive scientific technology and progress in the medicinal field, you can look and feel young and that too without too much cost. HGH supplements can provide you with this option and they can make you look and feel young no matter what your age is. The discovery of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has led to a revolutionary change in these types of products that can provide you with the corporeal feeling of being young. HGH supplements are the best anti-aging products that you can use.

Human growth hormones are directly related with the aging process of our body. When we are young, there are high level of growth hormone in our body that helps us to maintain our vigor and youthful looks. However, with the increase in age, the human growth hormones start to decline in numbers and our body starts to lose its vitality and the youthful looks. You do not feel younger anymore and there is a rapid change in the physical features of the body. However, the effects are not just limited to the physical attributes and there are psychological affects too. In a nutshell, the whole aging process affects you in all aspects.

You have now noticed that HGH has a profound impact on the aging process of an individual. Now, the question arises that how you keep feel young without sacrificing much. HGH supplements are designed to do that because they can replace the growth hormone and act as natural anti aging products. These HGH supplements can make you feel younger and more vigorous in your later age.

With recent studies like that of 1990 by Rudman, HGH supplements have shown to increase the blood level of growth hormones that act as anti aging agents. Due to this factor, the individuals can enjoy youth for more time. HGH supplements are a safe investment for people and hence they are highly recommended by different experts and health professionals. You can use these supplements with an ease of mind knowing that they are going to work and will provide you with satisfactory results.

There are different anti aging products in the market that advertise themselves as the answer to the customer's needs but none of them are as effective as the HGH supplements. Most people consider the HGH supplements as the modern interpretation of 'Fountain of youth' and looking at the benefits of these supplements, then this statement is justified. Other commercial products just focus on your physical beauty while HGH supplements not only take care of your physical features but also make you feel younger on the inside. These natural products can improve the quality of your life. Health is better than wealth and that is the principle that these HGH supplements works on. You can buy HGH products and get colossal anti aging benefits and in the process can also regain your confidence and boost in looking young.

Quick Tips For Losing Weight Fast In a Healthy Way

We're approaching the end of our first month in 2012, and no doubt people are scurrying to the scales to see how much weight has fallen off. Because of this, we found it fitting that our first post should involve weight loss tips. We all know someone, if not ourselves, who've tried the latest fad diets. But, what do these "diet sensations" really have to offer? The truth is, diets are temporary and most people resort back to bad habits after accomplishing a short term goal. If you want to lose weight fast and keep it off, here are a few tips that will lead you in the right direction.

Stick to water - Yeah, we've heard it all before. We're told to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. What many people may not know, however, is that a good rule of thumb is to take your body weight and divide it by two. What you're left with is the amount of ounces you should be drinking. For the sake of simple math, here's an example of a person who is 210 lbs: 210/2=105. That person should be drinking 105 ounces of water which is equivalent to about 13 glasses of water. Saying no to soft drinks, even diet ones, and sticking to water will help you reach your weight loss goals even quicker!

Stick to lean meats - Fuel your diet with chicken, fish, turkey, and lean ground beef. Try grilling these meats, instead of frying them. Drizzle olive oil on Tilapia and season it to taste, then slap it on the George Foreman grill. It tastes great, and it's good for you! If you don't have a George Foreman grill, you should definitely invest in one or it's counterpart. It's a great way to get your meats cooked with less fatty grease.

Take Vitamins - Once you change the way you eat, you will definitely notice the increase in energy. Add a multi-vitamin, fish oil, and vitamin C into the mix, and you'll begin to pump up those levels even more. An increase in energy will lift your endurance level, leaving you able to work out and exercise for longer periods.

Go for complex carbs - We all heard, during the Atkin's craze, to stay away from carbohydrates. While the diet does work, what happens when you revert back to your old ways? Are you really going to stay away from bread forever? Stick to complex carbs; brown rice, wheat bread+ etc. Stay far, far away from simple carbs; candy, soft drinks, and any anything else with too much sugar.

Don't eat late - I make it a habit not to eat after 6pm. Don't make excuses on why you can't. Prepare your meals on Sunday for the week, and take them with you to work if you're there late. Most people aren't active past this time, so try not to eat late. If you fall into that category, you shouldn't be eating later than 6. If you feel the need to snack later, find something healthy; a cup of yogurt or an apple with a small spoonful of peanut butter.

Have patience - Most importantly, remember that there are no quick fixes. Give yourself a realistic amount of time to lose the weight. This ensures that the weight loss is done in a healthy way, and helps to keep it from coming back easily. If you are drastically changing your diet, the weight will begin to fall off. Just switching to drinking water only can cause a dramatic effect on your body. Make one small change at a time, and watch the pounds fall off.

These are just a few quick tips that we've used in our own journey to weight loss. They are proven and effective. As previously mentioned, give yourself a realistic time frame to lose the weight. But, if you follow these simple steps, the weight will begin to fall off quickly. Don't be discouraged when you hit a plateau, it's normal to lose a lot of weight the first few weeks. After that, the average weight loss should be 1-2 lbs a week. Just remember that exercise is an important part of any lifestyle change, and when partnered with better nutrition, it enhances the process. As always, consult your physician before changing your diet or exercise routine.

Tips for Avoiding a Sedentary Lifestyle

Whether you work at home or in an office, chances are you're glued to an office chair all day, or stuck behind a computer screen, and the only parts of your body getting any kind of significant exercise are your typing fingers. Our modern world is designed to encourage a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, just about every modern convenience is centered around making us as physically inactive as possible. Elevators, escalators, all forms of transport, television, fast foods - all are designed to make our lives "easier' and, in the process, almost completely sedentary.

While our work requires us to be mentally agile, most of us lead a physically inactive lifestyle that can lead to a number of health problems. Recent studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle can be more potentially dangerous to our health than smoking. In a study recently carried out at the University of Hong Kong, researchers found that 20% of deaths in people over the age of 35 could be directly attributed to physical inactivity. That is a higher percentage than death caused through smoking.

A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to weight gain and obesity which, in turn, contributes to diseases such as heart disease and type II diabetes. In the modern world, working requires very little physical effort and the more physically inactive we are, the un-healthier we become.

Here are a few tips to avoid a sedentary lifestyle:

1. Get out during your lunch break

Use your lunch break to get some exercise rather than sitting down indoors and eating. After spending hours in front of a computer screen, getting out into the open air will lift your spirits as well as offer a good opportunity to exercise your body. Visit a nearby gym for a run on a treadmill. Go for a stroll in a nearby mall or a park; take in the sights, sounds and smells. Resist the urge to sit down for lunch.

2. Eat Less

Constant snacking and drinking too much coffee often goes hand in hand with the sedentary lifestyle. So eating less may be easier said than done. Think of it this way: because you're physically inactive all day, your body requires far fewer calories. It stands to reason therefore, that if you want to avoid weight gain, you will need to eat less. Rather substitute snacking with drinking lots of water.

3. Interact with people face to face

Modern communications have been designed to make our lives easier - and more sedentary. In order to communicate with people during working hours, all we need do is pick up a phone or send an email. Make it a habit to get out of your cubicle or office and go and speak to a colleague in person rather than phoning or emailing. Do the same with clients you may need to consult. Getting out of the office or out of the house will literally be a breath of fresh air, and very likely improve your focus and levels of concentration. As well as getting some exercise, getting out can also inspire you with fresh ideas.

4. Take the stairs instead of the elevator

Make a habit of taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Climbing a few flights of stairs at least once a day is a great form of cardiovascular exercise.

5. Participate in some sport

Joining a sports team either at work or the local club is a great way to get regular, stimulating exercise. Sport is a fun way to combat a sedentary lifestyle, while having the added benefit of meeting and interacting with people. Organized sport will give you something to look forward to and is also a great antidote to weight gain and inactivity.

Learning About Tissue and Organ Donation

There are a lot of people out in the world who don't really know what tissue and organ donation is about. Also, a lot of people may have the wrong idea about it in general. Being an organ donor is a very serious decision and you should know all you can about it before deciding to become so. The choice is ultimately up to you, but you have to make it known to your family as well.

First everyone needs to know what exactly it means to donate tissue or an organ. An organ transplant involves surgically removing an organ or tissue from one patient, the donor, and putting it in another patient, the recipient. People who agree to become an organ donor meant that you are allowing your organs or tissues to be removed and placed in someone else who needs it. Majority of the time, organ donations come from people who have died but had given previous consent, or a family member has given consent, for them to be a donor. Even though most donors are deceased, you can still donate if you are alive. This may mean that you donate blood, stem cells, platelets, or in some cases other organs like a kidney.

You also need to know about who can and can't be organ donors. No matter what your age is, you can be a donor. Many people think that just because they are in their 70s or 80s that they wouldn't qualify to be a donor. The truth is that you could be a newborn baby or 100, as long as your organs were once of working order, they can be used as a transplant. The only thing is if you are under 18 and would like to become a donor, you must have parental consent in order to do so. You can always explain your concern to your parents and request to become one. If you have HIV, brain cancer that is actively spreading, and some severe infections, you can't qualify to be an organ donor. Always check with your doctor when thinking about agreeing to be a donor to find out if you qualify or not. If you wish to donate a kidney while you are still alive, it is possible. You will have to undergo different tests to determine if you are healthy enough to have only one kidney and other tests to qualify you.

People also may not fully understand what all they can donate and how it might work. When you sign to become a donor, you can decide what all you would like to donate and what you wouldn't. If you die, doctors won't come in and take everything from you that they can unless you want them to. You can choose to donate your kidney, heart, liver, lung, pancreas, and/or intestines. If you wish to donate while still living, you can donate one of your kidneys or parts of your lung, liver, intestine, and pancreas. There are also some tissues that you can donate too; you can donate the cornea (coating on your eye), the middle ear, skin, heart valves, bones, veins, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. As stated before, you can also donate stem cells, blood, and blood platelets.

There are a few more things to know when it comes to organ donations. If you do decide to become a donor, make it known to your family, a lawyer, and/or a family doctor so that if the time comes, your wishes can be carried out. There is no cost to your family or estate for any transplants that may happen; the cost goes to the patient who is getting the transplant. This is not the buying and selling of organs; patients who receive organs pay for the price of the operation. Any cost that your family pays is for any tests or operations that were done to attempt to keep you alive. One myth is that the quality of your medical care goes down when you sign up to become a donor. This simply isn't true. People who undergo emergency operations, you can be assured that your doctor is chosen because he/she is specialized in that area and has no connections to any future transplants. Your life is taken seriously and you will not be put in harm's way in order to save another life.

If you are planning on having and open casket funeral, it is still possible when you are a donor. Since the deceased is usually clothed, any sutures or signs of the donation are hidden by the clothes. For those who are worried whether or not their religion allows it, you will need to check with your church or place of worship to be sure. However, majority of religions do allow donations. Perhaps you decide that you do not want to donate your organs for transplantation, you can still donate them for scientific research.